Pilates - La Maison Jaune

Pilates Home Studio in Etterbeek - personalized and safe Pilates classes on the mat and apparatus in a wonderful cocoon.

Pilates – La Maison Jaune it is a home studio in a peaceful, private and beautiful environment. Personalized PILATES classes are provided both on the Mat and on the Pilates Apparatus. Friendly but precise training for EVERYONE, aiming for a healthier lifestyle and long-lasting functional movement.

Either you are a beginner to fitness or a confirmed athlete, young or senior, recovering from injuries, managing chronic health issues, preparing or recovering from birth, you will benefit from the mind-body Pilates experience.

Pilates – La Maison Jaune is specialized in restorative training for all ages and physical conditions. Through the use of the 6 Pilates principles of: Breath, Control, Centering, Concentration, Precision and Flow; you will achieve the harmony between mental and physical functions to improve posture, coordination, muscular tone, prevention and recovery from injuries.

Classes are kept in small groups aiming that each and every person can experience and benefit from the Pilates method, as well as understand and apply it`s physical fundamentals. Pilates exercises will effectively move and condition the body without adding strain or stress.

  “Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live in.”

J. Pilates







  What is Pilates

Pilates is a postural, low impact physical workout recognized worldwide for it improve of strength, flexibility and balance in the body. This workout is perfect for injury rehabilitation or for people looking to tone and strengthen core muscles, while having a full body workout. The use of the Breath is also of extreme importance because incorporating diaphragmatic breathing will help to organize the posture and achieve coordinated, controlled and balanced movement.

The Pilates system was conceived as a combination of Mat and Apparatus to achieve better body connections, and build up: strength, flexibility and stamina. Joseph Pilates intended his system to work holistically, with each piece of apparatus complementing the others.


The Mat work is the true foundation of Pilates, with endless variations as the practice has grown more popular. The emphasis is on moving from the center - Powerhouse, mindful breathing, and spinal mobility. Mat is a challenging discipline, it works the body in relation to gravity using different planes of motion to achieve a full body workout. Mat is the best place to work and deepen the Pilates Connections and discover its Fundamentals (bases). All the skills that Pilates is known for developing, can be acquired, and refined by doing the Mat work.

The Mat classes will follow the classical order and will often be complemented with props like: Power Circle, Therapy Ball, weights, elastic Therabands, stick, Baby Arch and Swiss Ball.


The Reformer consists of a flatbed, called the “Carriage,” that moves back and forth on top of a metal or wood frame. Underneath the carriage lies a series of springs and pulleys that control the resistance. That resistance makes the Reformer a very efficient workout, true to Joseph Pilates’ ideals. The Reformer works the muscles in a balanced way, neither under nor over-training any of them.

Different exercises will work the body in different positions from lying to kneeling, sitting to standing, on 1 leg or legs overhead, is a pretty exciting and fun piece of equipment that will help strengthen the body in no time. Meanwhile, its specific design helps to stabilise the body in the correct alignment making it a great apparatus for postural improvement and rehabilitation.

Cadillac and Tower

Unlike the Reformer, both the Cadillac and the Tower are fixed stations. By handles or the grab bar attached to springs of varying tension (light or heavy), it supports the body, grounding both physically and mentally and reenforcing a feeling of comfort and safeness. In fact, these two apparatus are ideal for beginning students, elderly and for those who are recovering from injuries because there’s very little pressure on the joints and exercises are moderate so as not to over-stretch.

Cadillac and Tower allow to deepen and better understand many of the Mat and Reformer exercises. Families of exercises will appear between the different apparatus, repeating physical goals but presented in different ways.

Like the Reformer, the springs of the Cadillac and Tower provide resistance that can change bodies quickly, with endless varieties that will make sure you will never get bored and will always be challenged.

Wunda Chair

 Resembling a backless chair, the Wunda Chair consists of a wooden base topped by a padded seat. Beneath the seat, there’s a pedal that goes up and down, attached to springs on either sides offering different resistances. Wunda Chair exercises are performed sitting upright as well as standing atop, behind, or in front of the chair with hands or feet in contact with the pedal. Because only a small part of the body is in contact with the Chair it challenges the balance, stability and body’s awareness.

The Wunda Chair is also appropriate for people recovering from injuries or those who have limitations as it challenges and targets the injured or weaker part.

“You will feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions, and have a completely new body in 30 sessions.”

J. Pilates

Work the Pilates system the way Joseph Pilates intended it, enriched with modern knowledge in anatomy and experience in functional movement training.

Pilates class session format comprehends:

-          Activation: engagement of specific muscle groups, Trigger Point, Cardio, balance and concentration

-          Work both on the Mat and/or the Reformer

-          Individual needs addressed on another apparatus or prop such as: Tower, Wunda Chair, TRX, Baby Arch, Orbit, weights, …

-          Ending: back to standing functional exercises, stretching or relaxation

Whatever your objective is: get rid of pain issues like neck or lower back; strengthen a weak or injured body part; get more functional and efficient at a specific sport; be better fit; or just have a Mindful relaxing hour. This 55 minute session is a tailored program created to your specific, personal needs and goals.