“You have been for some years my private instructor, every Tuesday evening. Along those years, you have strongly improved my technique with wonderful patience, kindness and dedication. Each week, you have adapted the content of the lesson to my individual needs and requests, surprising me with a fantastic and endless variety of exercises. You explain so well, you guide with care, precision and warmth, you radiate so much competence, energy and passion. Your lessons have shaped both my body and mind, it is a 1h-sport, meditation through high concentration, and relaxation getting any stress away. Such a precious and efficacious hour to keep body and spirit in top condition.” Julie Gusman

“When I started Pilates in 2016, I had the pleasure to have you as my teacher.You were able to motivate me  and to challenge me in every lesson. It was a real pleasure to have you as my trainer.” Anne Van Den Berghe

“My daughter Audrey and myself have been working with Ana for several years. We have also worked with other instructors but always felt that Ana was the best for us: Ana has understood both our problems and adapted the Pilates class to our specific needs. Very soon we felt we were stronger and making huge progress. On a more personal note, I must say that Ana is always smiling and makes us laugh…” Cecile Renson

“Since starting Pilates, I’ve experienced different classes with different teachers but none of them was as good as Ana. Not only is she always smiling and in a good mood, but she really understands how one’s body works and its weaknesses, and how to work on these. Since I started working with her, I can see and feel the difference on my body and especially feel my knees (my weak point) are getting stronger and less fragile. She genuinely cares about her clients and I would (and have) recommend(ed) her to anyone who wants to give Pilates a try.”  Audrey Demeyer

“Working with Ana is a real pleasure. During her classes, which are adjusted to my body and level, she encourages me to go further, to push my limits. While exercising she never points out ‘mistakes’ but gives clear directions which, as a result, makes me more aware about my own body. Every class I feel I am evolving and that I am growing stronger physically and mentally. Working out with Ana is always a fun challenge, and never a burden.” Astrid Goubert

 “Il y a maintenant 4 ans, quand j'ai appris que j'avais une grave scoliose, un ami de ma maman nous a conseillé de faire du pilate… On a suivi son conseil et on ne l'a jamais regretté. Je ne te remercierai jamais assez pour ta rigueur, ta patience, ton investissement et ton sourire. Chaque semaine, tu nous accueillais avec sourire et bonne humeur et tu nous donnais des vrais cours de Pilate dignes de ce nom. Tu vérifiais toujours mes postures, tu as fait en sorte que je m'améliore de semaine en semaine, que je renforce mon dos, et j'en passe...” Lara Henry

“Cela fait maintenant quatre années que Lara et moi-même suivons assidument les cours de Pilates avec toi… nous avons pu apprécier tout au long de ces séances, le professionnalisme avec lequel non seulement tu préparais les cours, tu les donnais mais aussi tu corrigeais les positions en fonction de son souci.” Nathalie Steurs

 Thank you all for the love, trust and support all through the years. Love, Ana