Mat L1 -  For Pilates 1st timers up to 20 lessons

Due to the small groups of 5 people maximum, there is a focus on individual attention making this level safe and fit to EVERYONE.

Pilates Mat L1 is a low impact exercise, focusing on:

  • Breath

  • Control

  • Centering

  • Power House– core activation. Power House is the center point to control and stabilize the body during movement to prevent muscular compensations and injuries.

  • Pilates Fundamentals, familiarizing with the moves that will be the base for future, more complex exercises.

It requires concentration and focus while moving the body through precise movements, that will lengthen and strengthen the major muscle groups giving the body a complete and balanced workout.

The workout consists of a variety of exercise sequences created by Joseph Pilates that are performed in a low number of repetitions, taking the body throughout different positions in space, over a session of 55 minutes. Each exercise has a precise placement, rhythm and breathing pattern.

Balls, sticks, elastics and Power Circle, will be incorporate in classes allowing unlimited variations into the classical repertoire, creating challenging, dynamic and fun classes.

If you have an injury or any kind of health issue, if you are recovering from injury or operation, are pregnant or just gave birth, you always want to check with your doctor if you are authorized to do sports.

To introduce yourself to Pilates you might want to start with an Initiation Package. You will benefit from 1x private classes where you will learn the necessary modifications to keep you safe during the collective classes, as well as deepen your knowledge in how to engage your Power House. The Initiation Package also includes 1x Mat and 1x Reformer classes where you can put it all into practice in a dynamic group session.

Mat L2 - For Pilates movers with at least 20 lessons experience

Pilates Mat 2 will explore more complex movement patterns and therefore a solid base of Breath, Alignment, Power House activation and Pilates Fundamentals, is necessary.

This level will focus on:

-          Control

-          Precision

-          Flow

Over a session of 55 minute, we will continue working the Pilates repertoire, challenging, and deepening the body`s connections through:

-          Reducing surface stability, less body touching the floor

-          Transitions from one movement to the other to get a continuous flowing class

-          Faster pace

-          Bigger range of motion

-          Rotation and extension of the spine

-          Full Body exercises, requiring different big muscle groups to work in synergy

-          Preparation for inverted positions (lifting the hips)

Balls, elastics, weights, rollers, Baby Arch and TRX will also be incorporate in classes creating challenging, dynamic and fun variations that will reinforce good posture, flexibility, stamina and strengthen core, buttocks, legs and arms.


Privileged 3 persons group class to work the Pilates apparatus (ideally in combination with the Mat class to work and get the most benefits from the Pilates System as it was intended by Joseph Pilates).

The Reformer is a brilliant, inclusive piece of equipment. Whether you are a pro athlete, an office worker or new to working out, it will improve your whole body.

Stability is challenged by the moving carriage put into motion, by pushing and pulling with legs or arms against the resistance of the springs, carriage or body weight.

Through eccentric muscle contraction (when a muscle lengthens as it resists a force) the exercises provide resistance and movement variety to help build and maintain strong muscles and bones.

Different parts and dynamics of the body are trained by the Reformer by engaging in different positions as: lying, sitting, kneeling and standing.

This class will focus on:

-          Strengthen: core, back, buttocks, legs and arms

-          Flexibility

-          Coordination

-          Posture

-          Balance

Reformer classes will often be combined with other pieces of equipment, to deepen the work that was or will be done in the Reformer. By working on the families of exercises (exercises that have the same physical objective but are presented in a different shape), the neuro-muscular system will recognize and organize movement patterns that will later execute with effortless, control and flow quality.

  • Tower

  • Wunda Chair

  • TRX (suspension system)