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Ana Gomes was born in Portugal. She graduated as a professional expressionist theater-dancer from FontysHogeschool in Tilburg – Holland and danced all over Europe for a decade.

At a certain point she felt inspired to move into education and achieved a Dance Teacher`s diploma by ArtesisHogeschool in Antwerp – Belgium. She taught dance for another decade from children to senior aged population. During this period, she was confronted with the incredible possibilities and limitations of different age groups and how individualized approaches got better results both physically and mentally.

When she encountered the Pilates method, she fell in love with it. Pilates technique was versatile and could be applied to everyone. It was the technique fitting the individual and not the individual fitting the technique.

She is a Comprehensive Pilates Teacher and Master Trainer certified by EREPS (European Register of Exercise Professionals Association). She worked at a Pilates Studio for 7 years both as a Gyrotonic and Pilates teacher and personal trainer as well as a Master Trainer, training future Pilates teachers both in Belgium and abroad.

Eventually she decided she was looking for a new challenge in a more intimate and personalised approach to Pilates and decided to open Pilates – La Maison Jaune in 2021.

Ana is also a certified Running Injury Management Trainer, Gyrotonic, Bodhi (suspension training) and Trigger Point teacher as well as a Belgium Red Cross certified first aid attendant.